From Paris back to Saarbrucken

Rating the production of Le Postillon de Lonjumeau at the Opéra Comique in Paris as “successful” would be an understatement – to put it mildly. In fact this was a real triumph which Sébastien Rouland’s superior direction was a significant part of. Some press-cuts referring to this production:

„Here is a conductor who does not treat this music lightly, because this would eventually be “light” music. On the contrary, he reveals its lineage from the classic with harmonious accurateness.“ (Le Figaro)

„The Orchestra of the Rouen Opera follows Sébastien Rouland’s both animated and subtle direction with vivid spirit and brilliancy.“ (La Croix)

„Like a martial postillon Sébastien Rouland commands the Choeur Accentus and the Orchestra of the Rouen Opera with flowing ease and all requested brio, litheness and self-assuredness “. (Les Echos)

„From the conductor’s desk Sébastien Rouland elicits the best out of the Orchestra of the Rouen Opera, carving and enchasing the numerous jewels of the score like a goldsmith does.“ (Diapason)

Many more reviews could be quoted since Sébastien Rouland received cascading accolades!

Before reviving this marvellous production at the Rouen Opera in December of this year, Sébastien Rouland is presently back to the Saarbrucken Theater conducting his sixth and last opera production of the current season:
Charles Gounod’s Faust.

Opening night on May 31, 2019.

All dates of performances
