Highly acclaimed by both audience and media the Munich performances of Bizet’s opera Les pêcheurs de perles in concert or even more in semi-staged version were recently more overbooked than obviously anyone had expected. At this occasion, Lucian Krasznec received outstanding reviews for his stunning performance as Nadir (all published on January 19th resp. 20th 2017).
The Süddeutsche Zeitung confirmed that he was “bewitching with much vocal brilliance and with poetic romance Je crois entendre encore”. The Abendzeitung found the spontaneous applause following this aria absolutely justified in which he “forged ahead to French lyricism which is characteristic of this genre.”
Very much in detail the comment published by the Münchner Merkur: “Lucian Krasznec (Nadir) possesses both tenor-brilliance as well as sufficient punch for the high notes to effortlessly predominate in the main ensemble-scenes. He sings the exquisite aria as a real romance, lyrically and with a delicate voix mixte in the highest falsetto register.”
Within the Bayerische Staatszeitung one can read of “stunning bravura” and the Mittelbayerische Zeitung says that Lucian Krasznec’s performance “disposes of youthful lyricism and substantial secure high-notes.” His Nadir “brims over with youthful fierce attitude revolting boldly against social constraints as well as against his own vow” noted o-ton.online.
The French repertory thus perfectly suits him. Nadir and already few months earlier Gounod’s Faust in Dortmund give way to new prospects.